oh wow, you found a secret page. all snoopers get is some behind-the-scenes stuff for being sOoOoO cLeVeR.
concepts for characters. one of my friends gave me ideas for new characters, so here are 2 out of the 3 characters that she had an idea for.
concepts for characters 2. val vermin was another character that she came up with. i came up with ms. mozzerella, tho. infact, she did alot of stuff for the site. for example, she came up with wheeliam (the cheesewheel character)'s name.
other ideas for the restaruant.
me and my friend had an assignment at the end of 6th grade in which we had to make a restaurant.
so here are 3 other ideas for what could have been.
im sure the earth would crumble to pieces if we didnt come up with cheeseland lol
different concepts for cheesebuddy. i asked both of my friends which design they liked better, and they chose #1.
the 2nd option is the same character from the animation test you might have saw further up the page.
cheesenibbler designs. these little scrimbles will be used later. i asked N and C to choose one they liked the best, and N chose #3, but C chose #2. i flipped a coin, and C's choice won.
download the flas files for cheesebuddy, the animation test, and the logo